Faster injection ( up to a point): less cooling during filling, hence a thinner initial frozen layer, lower viscosity due to shear thinning; 较快注塑(到点):在填料过程中冷却较少,因此初始固化层较薄,由于剪应变稀少而粘性较低;
The paste has the rheological characteristics of slurry, such as thixotropism and shear thinning. 膏体具有料浆的触变性和剪切变稀等流变特征。
The solution of the system takes on high viscosity, notable viscoelastical property and shear thinning behavior. 其溶液具有高粘度、显著粘弹性及剪切稀释性等流变特性。
It was concluded that both PTT and PET were all shear thinning or pseudoplastic fluids. 结果表明,PTT与PET一样,都是切力变稀流体。
PSf/ DMAc/ LiCl saturated aqueous solution system is a shear thinning fluid. PSf/DMAc/LiCl饱和水溶液体系属于切力变稀流体。
Research of Temperature Distributing at Shear Thinning Considered under Thin Film Lubrication 薄膜润滑条件下考虑剪切稀化时温度分布的研究
The molecular long chain branch structure of metallocene polyethylene has great effects on it's rheological behavior, long chain branch can significantly enhance melt elasticity and shear thinning. 茂金属聚乙烯的分子链长支化结构对其流变特性有重要影响,长支链可以使熔体弹性和剪切变稀效应明显增强。
Evaluation of the shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid under different rheological models 不同流变模式下钻井液剪切稀释性评价
The system shows shear thinning and reversible shear thickening behavior. 实验结果表明,该体系具有剪切变稀和可逆的剪切增稠现象。
Its hydrodynamics behavior is similar to shear thinning liquid; 混悬液的流体力学行为符合假塑性流体的特征;
The structural viscosity index, Printing viscosity index and shear thinning index of some printing thickeners arc discussed. 本文对若干印花糊料进行了结构粘度指数、印花粘度指数和剪切变稀指数的测定。
With the help of the basic rheological model, in this paper we have discussed the rheological parameters, shear thinning and the capability of lifting cuttings of drilling fluid and cement slurry, and presented some reasonable methods of calculating these rheological parameters. 本文从该流变模式的基本形式出发,对模式中的流变参数以及与钻井液、水泥浆相关的剪切稀释、携带岩屑等性能进行了讨论,并提出了计算这些流变参数的合理方法。
Analysis of Crankshaft Bearings Aided by a Database Including Shear Thinning and Viscoelastic Effects 计入剪切变薄和粘弹效应的数据库辅助曲轴轴承分析
At the same time, the HAWP solutions appeared strong flow stress and obvious shear thinning phenomenon. 同时,溶液表现出明显的屈服应力和良好的剪切稀释性。
In this paper, hydroxyethyl cellulese ( HEC) aqueous solution is a non-Newtonian fluid with shear thinning. 在本实验中,羟乙基纤维素(HEC)的水溶液为剪切变稀的非牛顿流体。
The blends are pseudoplastic ( shear thinning). 该共混熔体属假塑性流体(切力变稀型)。
Results show that shear thinning behaviour and pseudoplasticity of aqueous slurries can be found. 结果表明:料浆均表现出剪切变稀行为,且为假塑性流体;
In this paper, the specific area method is used to express the shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid, which is compared with evaluation index. 文中采用了比面积法来表征钻井液剪切稀释性,并与评价指标进行了对比分析。
It was found that PLLA melt was shear thinning fluid. 结果表明:PLLA熔体属于切力变稀流体;
Characteristic Analysis of Thin Film Lubrication at Shear Thinning 剪切稀化时薄膜润滑特性分析
The results show that the mayonnaise processed by high pressure is a shear thinning flow. 结果表明,高压处理后的蛋黄酱是剪切稀化流体。
The comprehensive effects of non Newtonian shear thinning characteristics and two sided purely longitudinal, transverse and isotropic roughness on dynamically loaded finite journal bearings in mixed lubrication are numerically analyzed. 分析了剪切变薄的非牛顿流变学特性和两表面都具有的纵向、横向和各向同性粗糙度对动载有限宽径向滑动轴承性能的综合影响。
Shear thinning and fluid elasticity are characterized by power law and Maxwell models. 剪切变薄和粘弹效应分别由幂律流体和Maxwel流体表征。
In this paper, the flow field of a shear thinning fluid carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC) was simulated using standard k ε model. 文中尝试利用kε模型计算了假塑性流体羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)水溶液在搅拌槽内的三维流动场,并与粒子成像测速(PIV)法测得的实验结果进行了比较。
All the investigated solutions are shown as shear thinning fluid. The dynamic rheology properties were also discussed. 所研究的溶液都呈现出明显的剪切变稀特性。
The complex viscosity decreases with increasing frequency, showing a typical shear thinning behavior. HGB/TPU熔体属于假塑性流体,复数粘度随着频率的增大而减小,呈现典型的切力变稀行为。
The higher was the concentration the more obvious shear thinning behavior. 溶液浓度越高其剪切稀化行为越明显。
The polymer solution was manifested to show the property of shear thinning at low flow rate and shear thickening if the flow rate exceeded a point. 实验发现聚合物溶液在低流速下,表现剪切变稀,超过一定流速后,表现为剪切增稠。有效粘度和弹性粘度随着剪切速率和疏水基含量的增大而增大。
With shear rate rising, shear thinning behavior has been observed. 随着剪切速率的不断增大,表现出切力变稀行为。
The data analysis shows that the slurry is non-newtonian fluid with the property of shear thinning, and the systematic apparent viscosity declines along with the shear rate increasing and tends to be stable finally. 研究了生物质缓冲包装材料浆料的流变特性,数据分析显示所制备浆料为非牛顿流体,具有剪切稀化的特性,体系的表观粘度会随剪切速率的升高而下降最后趋于稳定。